This camp is a fun, creative and joyful opportunity for kids. In the morning, they take nature walks to learn about and experience our earth and her creatures, and play active, imaginative, innovative games. They enjoy the summer sun by spending afternoons in the pool, and working on various projects, puzzles and games. There will be both structured and unstructured time for the kids to explore and discover each other and the large and beautiful expanse of the Inspiration grounds. On the last day, everyone works together to make home-made ice cream!
Each day for 10 minutes the children will play with breathing, centering or visualization exercises to explore energizing themselves, calming down when they feel upset, feeling empathy for other children and all of life, and bringing joy to each moment.
“I’m excited to be bringing this camp to the Baltimore area and Inspiration. I look forward to meeting new kids and their families!” – Benah
The fee for the camp is $75.00 per child. Checks, cash and paypal are accepted. Checks can be made out to Inspiration.
Camp Director Benah, and at least one other assistant are always watching the kids. Adults, such as Alice Wells and Jessica Dibb will be assisting when needed and will be available at all times in case of emergency.
Items to bring:
Camp Delight was a huge success! We practiced yoga, played with our breath and thoroughly enjoyed nature!
Thank you Benah! We can’t wait for the return of this program next summer.
New dates TBA