This is an ongoing Inner Work group which has been working together for eight years. The group is not adding new members at this time. If the ideas presented here call to you, please let us know that you would be interested in joining a new Essence Emerging Inner Work group.
Essence Emerging is an on-going Inner Work group dedicated to supporting the emergence of the full spectrum of Essence, Consciousness, and the Divine in human life. It is a radical and experimental adventure seeking to help accelerate the awakening of participants so that we can contribute more powerfully to the challenges of our times. The purpose of this work is to support us individually and collectively in growing beyond any limiting beliefs or methods we have been identified with, and to experience and embody the totality of Essence in every aspect of our lives.
The most beloved spiritual teachers throughout the ages were fully awakened Beings who went beyond their particular spiritual lineage and allowed Essence to take them to a unique realization that was new, fresh, revolutionary, and transmittable to others. The spiritual paths that were created around them undoubtedly carry a genuine transmission, as well as beautiful and wise teachings and practices which reflect that transmission. Yet these paths were not created by the awakened beings themselves, but by those who were interpreting them through the veil of separation that yearns to be reunited with the Beloved and the Absolute. Therefore spiritual paths, as luminous as they may be, tend to carry a shadow that emanates from the preferred practices and particular perspective on the Divine of that path, and the avoidance of other practices. This shadow obscures the totality of God and Essence.
The “Essence Emerging” on-going Work is committed to creating an environment in which participants can explore and experience their own shadow areas and unconscious preferences, and open to a deeper, more integrated and encompassing experience of the Divine. The Work aims to emphasize the primacy of the need to find the truly spiritual in a fully embodied and well-rounded human life. We will explore the myriad ways in which the spiritual reality is constantly expressing itself in our everyday lives and relationships. “Essence Emerging” is born out of the following understandings of our own personal journeys, as well as our observation and mentoring of others.
Russ and Jessica will guide the Work with a committed group of people at two three-day retreats per year, with the possibility of longer retreats beginning the second year. Each three-day retreat will include wisdom teachings, deep experiential Inner Work, practices from all nine domains of consciousness, personal sharing, and question and answer periods. Each retreat will build on the prior retreat. Participants will need to make these retreats a primary priority in their life. This is an opportunity for those who are completely committed to true Awakening.
NOTE: If you have not attended one of these workshops and feel called to “Essence Emerging,” please contact Jessica at Jessica@inspirationcommunity.org or call 410-998-9777.
Call 410-998-9777 for more information.
Tuition: $400 tuition including $100 deposit
Use this button to pay for the course with a credit card or a PayPal account.