A One Day Workshop with Kathy Sirota
A workshop invitation for all who desire to explore and realize new possibilities in grief and loss.
Whatever loss we may be experiencing…
We can open to healing and transformation by exploring the depths and gifts of grief.
The grief process can open us to more healing and transformation.
Even the deepest grief can support new possibilities in our lives and the awakening of our Essential Self.
The Grief Process supports you to explore grief in safety and support,
honor the depth of your grief, experience a new relationship with your loss,
open to healing and inspiration, and connect more fully with yourself and others.
The workshop includes lecturettes, personal-reflection, group discussion,
music, movement, and Integrative Breathing.
Integrative Breathing is a powerful healing modality that supports the
changing of long-standing, self-limiting patterns, increasing self-awareness,
reducing tension in the body, healing trauma, promoting aliveness and
wholeness, and connecting more deeply with spiritual experience.
Date: TBD
Tuition: $60